32.9 F


How Can I Save a Life?

How can I save a life / When that life is the structure that itself gives and takes life? / How can I give a patient back their breath / When the patient has been gasping for thousands of years / And I am just one small pair of lungs?

On Hope

Every so often, you feel a wave of hope.

The Wakeup Call

“I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe, a cry to my people.”

Running Haiku

My mother, a poet and surgeon, used to run a mile outside every day. She was a self-declared member of the by-your-own-honor club, whose only dictate was that every member must—you guessed it—run at least one mile outside, every day. For six years, come rain or shine, sleet or...

Room 210

Each day we enter this dried River Styx, death's water taken to air on colorless wings.

The Workshop

When will I get better?

Water Woes

Equitable provision of clean water is the most basic public health service: without it, individuals are at risk for infection from ingesting unsafe water and the lack of personal hygiene. Therefore, governments that allocate water based on factors such as socioeconomic status directly hinder the health of their citizens.


Fall 2024 – Enigma

The apenndx team is pleased to present our Fall 2024 Issue - Enigma. apenndx Fall 2024 Enigma

Entering Class of 2024: Student Gallery

Welcome to Penn, MS1s! Entering Class of 2024    

Remembering Mrs. Jackson

Background: I wrote this poem after hearing that a patient on my vascular surgery rotation that I had rounded...

Humans of PSOM

Medical school is a time of transitions - a time of new experiences, of growing, and of learning. Along...

Must read

Pump It Up!

Krithika Kuppusamy is an MS1 at the Perelman School...

Running Haiku

My mother, a poet and surgeon, used to run...

Untitled; In Response to Lena Khalaf Tuffaha’s Running Orders

Reference: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/143255/running-orders Anonymous